Saturday, April 7, 2012

Running my mouth

Today's long run called for 8 miles.  I rarely have time to talk to a friend for over an hour without some sort of interruption.  Having a best friend as one of my running partners means we have many miles to talk.  I look forward to this time-we talk about everything under the sun.  I spent at least two miles complaining about delayed article decisions that now means I will be frantically trying to revise and resubmit before I get on a plane to China.  As usual on a run, there was a point where we were laughing so hard we couldn't run at all.  Better to be breathless from laughing than to be breathless from being out of shape! Miles completed, we stood in the waning evening sunlight talking just a bit longer.  We returned to our respective cars only when we became too chilled to stand outside any longer.  The protected time of running with friends carried me through the evening routine of dinner, bathtime, and reluctant bedtime.  Knowing I have running as my escape hatch helps me remain calm and centered amid the chaos of my life.